Energy Saving Tips to Stay Cool With Air Conditioning

With more than 9.2 million air conditioning units in Australia, the need for energy saving tips to stay cool with air conditioning is essential.

Most Australians are still throwing money away by not using their air conditioning properly and wasting money through bad habits and equally lazy energy consumption. Yet, having air conditioning does not necessarily need to mean high electricity bills.

Grant Waldeck, a spokesperson for comparator website is quoted as saying “Closing doors and windows on hot days and covering window glass will help keep your home cooler”. Here at SAE we recommend using window tinting alongside your air conditioning for added efficiency. Window tinting alone can reduce the temperature in a room by approximately 5 degrees & cuts out up to 80% of the energy (heat) from the sun. Alongside a good quality air conditioner the energy costs can be cut by almost 30% with window tinting. Using window tinting can also prolong your Air conditioners service life as the unit doesn’t need to work as hard to cool the required area.

Used incorrectly, air conditioning can be particularly energy hungry and can produce high electricity bills simply because Australians are ignoring a few simple ways to reduce their cooling costs. A common mistake is leaving the air conditioning on when leaving the house. Simply switching your unit off when you leave the house, can make a large difference to your electricity bill. A cool 22 degrees might be an ideal air conditioning temperature during a hot summer day, but energy can be saved by increasing the ideal temperature slightly. In fact, every degree of cooling can add up to 10% to the running costs.

A recently released survey of air conditioning use by LG Electronics shows 90% of respondents estimate air conditioning accounts for up to 30% of their energy bill. Yet only 30% of respondents in the LG survey said that they cleaned or replaced their air conditioner filter every year. It is important to remember that if you have a dirty filter, your air conditioner has to work overtime. Of course, with ongoing technology break-throughs, newer and more energy efficient air conditioners are cheaper to run. SAE are proud to offer a range of air conditioner brands that lead the market on energy efficiency technology.

Not sure what size or model air conditioning you might need for your home? Contact us today for the best deal.


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Do you have one of Australias 9.2 million air conditioning units? Here’s our tips on how to keep cool – while staying energy efficient:

  1. Monitor your temperature gauge and remember that every increase of 1 degree can add up to 10% to the running cost of your unit. We recommend you set your thermostat higher, at or around 23 degrees when you’re home and turn it off when you’re out.
  2. Clean or replace your filter regularly. A clean filter will help ensure your air-conditioner is performing at its most efficient. Dirty filters limit airflow and make the unit run longer. Clean or replace the filter every month or so during the summer.
  3. Make sure your air conditioner is in good working order. Like most investments, air conditioners require professional maintenance to keep them working effectively. Schedule  a maintenance check every couple of years.
  4. Don’t leave your air-conditioner on when you aren’t at home.
  5. Avoid placing other heat emitting home appliances near your air-conditioner. It causes your unit to work even harder to cool the air around it, increasing its energy output.
  6. Shade your windows in summer with curtains, awnings, or shutters to reduce heat absorption. When you let the sun in, it radiates heat. Consider window tinting, especially on the south and west sides of your home and keep the blinds or drapes shut unless there’s someone in the room actually enjoying the sun.
  7. Don’t add to the heat inside. Use appliances such as irons, washers, and dryers at night or early morning. Another big source of heat is your stove so if you can, cook outdoors or microwave meals. Microwaves use two-thirds less energy than stoves. You can even plan no-cook meals like salads. Or use the BBQ, then it won’t heat your house at all!
  8. Turn off computers and other appliances when not in use as left running, these can also generate unnecessary heat. You can also unplug these appliances when not in use to ensure you reduce your electric bill as well, as the small amount of power these pull while plugged in can add up on your bill over time.
  9. Change your bulbs. Incandescent light bulbs are heat generators, so many experts suggest switching them for energy-efficient LED’s, compact fluorescent light bulbs or halogen infrareds.
  10. Use fans. When it cools down outside, place inexpensive portable fans in front of open windows to bring the cool air inside. Use ceiling or room fans even if you have an air conditioner. You can then set your thermostat higher because the air movement from the fan will help the room feel cooler. Likewise, only use ceiling fans when you’re under them. Ceiling fans work by making you feel cooler by circulating air against your skin, so only use a ceiling fan when there’s someone in the room to feel it. Otherwise, you’re just wasting electricity.
  11. Keep your refrigerator well stocked. Refrigerators that are full of food don’t warm up as quickly when the door is opened, so they require less energy to stay cool.
  12. Shade your air conditioner. Don’t locate central air conditioners in direct sunlight. Place window units on the north side of your house, which remains more shaded. A shaded air conditioner uses up to 10% less energy to operate.
  13. Fill up cracks. We often talk about using caulk to seal cracks – especially around doors and windows – in the winter, but it is just as important a tool in the summertime. If you notice one area or doorway in your home is particularly warm, check for leaks and cracks. Then, fill up the gaps. That keeps the cold air in so that you use less energy to heat your home.
  14. Hang out the laundry. Your dryer is probably one of your home’s biggest energy suckers. It takes a lot of electricity to generate heat that dries your clothes. Plus, some of that heat escapes the dryer and winds up heating your home unnecessarily. Let the hot sun work for you instead of against you this summer by hanging your clothes to dry outside on a clothesline. The sun is great for bleaching stains out of white clothes and towels, too!

Even if your air conditioner is 10 years old and on its last leg, you can make it last a little longer and cost less money to run this summer with these simple steps. The other option is to contact use for the best options to suit your living requirements.

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