EOFY instant asset write-off is approaching
Let’s talk about making the most of the instant asset write-off, which has now increased to $150,000!
It’s no secret that the EOFY is approaching, which also means that your time to take advantage of the government’s current $150,000 instant asset write-off is drawing closer. You have until 30 June, to take advantage of the $150k instant asset write-off.
If you’re interested in lowering your overheads as well as reducing your carbon footprint – then making the switch to solar is a fantastic option. Investing in solar will help to reduce ongoing electricity costs – freeing up finances to help contribute toward wages and other important operational costs.
Solar panels make a significant positive impact on the bottom line for a small business. In fact, we have a number of case studies collated for a variety of businesses showing exactly how much our commercial customers have saved. A few examples:
- Ocean Shores Country Club – Energy Saving: $28,700 per year
- Solo Waste & Recovery – Energy Saving: $46,206 per year
- Ballina Car Wash – Energy Saving: $19,900 per year
- Bartlett Farms – Energy Saving: $22,200 per year
The important thing to remember is that Solar is ideally suited to many small businesses as the power is produced during business hours; so the need to draw electricity from the mains grid at peak daytime rates is greatly reduced. Another time-sensitive reason for small business to buy a solar power system now rather than wait until next year is that a major subsidy for solar, the Solar Credits Scheme, will see a significant reduction in the not-too-distant future.
Here is why you should get a solar power analysis done for your business immediately:
- Acting now could save you thousands of dollars both immediately with the EOFY instant asset write-off, as well as in the future with lower operational costs!
- Solar power remains the best way to cut a business power bill right down if not eliminate it completely.
- Most commercial solar installations equate to payback periods of less than three years.
Rebates for larger scale solar power systems
Generous solar power rebates are currently still available for commercial solar power systems. These may be in the form of either STCs (small-scale technology certificates) or LGCs (large-scale generation certificates).
STCs are available for solar power systems of less than 100kW in total system capacity, while LGCs are available for solar power systems of 100kW and above. These Certificates are currently under threat of being abolished by the Government, effectively increasing the cost of a Solar Power System for your business by a possible 40%.
To check if your business is eligible for the $150,000 instant asset write-off, get in touch with us today on 1300 18 20 50 or fill in your details below and we’ll be in touch shortly.