The Delta Solivia range of solar inverters can develop a number of different faults, when a fault is present an error message will be displayed on the screen and usually one or a number of the LED’s will be lit. Below is a list of error messages, explanations on the error or fault and a list of actions to take to resolve the issue.
The LEDs on the front panel of the inverter display the operational state of the solar inverter. These are:
- LED (A): Operation – displays the operational state.
- LED (B): Earth Fault – displays an insulation resistance fault or PV grounding (GND) fault on the DC side.
- LED (C): Failure – displays existing faults internally or externally and whether the grid feed-in operation has been interrupted.
If you have one of the error or fault messages below we recommend you follow the listed actions to take to remove the fault before contacting a company who can help you further such as SAE Group The Experts In Solar Power, Air Conditioning & Electrical.
View the Delta Solivia Solar Inverter manual here.

green: red: yellow: | Display communication faulty. | If the fault persists after the device has been reset, please inform your service technician. | |
green: red: yellow: | AC frequency failure | Grid frequency overshooting or undershooting specified limit range. | Check the grid frequency via the display in the N (NOW) menu. |
green: red: yellow: | AC voltage failure | Grid voltage overshooting or undershooting specified limit range. | Check the grid voltage via the display in the N menu. If no voltage present, check grid automatic circuit breaker. |
green: red: yellow: | AC relay failure | One of the anti-islanding protection output relays is faulty / defective. | The solar inverter is defective. Return the device. |
green: red: yellow: | Calibration ongoing | Check internal settings. | Normal function before input mode. |
green: red: yellow: | DC injection failure | DC component of input side alternating current is too high. | If the fault persists after the device has been reset, please inform your service technician. |
green: red: yellow: | Error # 301 | Internal communication error or hardware fault. | If the fault persists after the device has been reset, please inform your service technician. |
green: red: yellow: | Error # 302 | The device trips and reverts to grid input mode once the temperature has dropped. | Check the installation site (no direct sunlight, air circulation). |
green: red: yellow: | Error # 506 Error # 508 | Isolation resistance fault on the DC side during start-up phase (# 508) or running phase (# 506). | Check the isolation resistance on the DC side of the PV modules. |
green: red: yellow: | Isolation start up warning Isolation running warning | Isolation resistance fault on the DC side during start-up phase or running phase. | You must check the isolation resistance on the DC side of the PV modules. Solar inverter is still feeding! |
green: red: yellow: | PV+ grounding fault PV- grounding fault | Connection PV+ (PV-) to GND is interrupted or wrong pole is connected to GND. | Check that the GND connection has been made correctly and/or check the fuse in the grounding path. Change the fuse if necessary. The solar inverter remains in feed-in operation. |
green: red: yellow: | Revision error | Versions of hard and software are not compatible. | If the fault persists after the device has been reset, please inform your service technician. |
green: red: yellow: | Self-test ongoing | Initialization of solar inverter on start-up. | The first time the solar inverter is started up: Normal function with a PV cell voltage of between 100 V and 150 V. |
green: red: yellow: | PV power too low | Insufficient input power. | Insufficient insolation (dawn/twilight). Check the PV cell voltage via the display in the N menu. |
green: red: yellow: | PV voltage too low | PV generator voltage between 100 V and 150 V. | Insufficient insolation. Check the PV cell voltage via the display in the N menu. |
green: red: yellow: | Synchronize to AC | Checks grid voltage and grid frequency for grid input mode. | Normal function before input mode. |
green: red: yellow: | Varistor warning | Internal varistor at the DC input is defective. | Although you can, in theory, carry on using the solar inverter, the varistors should be replaced at the earliest opportunity. This will involve returning the device. |
For further details check out the Delta Solivia Solar Inverter manual here. The Delta Solivia range of inverters came came with a 10 year warranty against defects so if the instructions above hasn’t rectified the error the best thing to do is to contact the company who installed your inverter originally. If your inverter is outside the warranty period you will need to talk to a local solar accredited electrician for further assistance such as SAE Group The Experts In Solar Power, Air Conditioning & Electrical.