The Importance Of A Quality Solar Installation

The importance of a Quality Solar Installation with tested and proven quality products can not be over stated. Sure the Government is doing a beat up despite the fact that the industry is now closely monitored and the faulty install figures have remained stable for a number of years now that the smaller “Get Rich Quick” cowboys have gone out of business.

We are often called out to fix up messes left behind by companies that have gone out of business & offer a maintenance program to ALL our customers. Just like your other large investments such as the family car, a regular Solar System Service is essential. It needs regular servicing to ensure it works at peak performance and after the crazy weather we have recently along Australia’s East Coast servicing has become even more important.

Competitors Poorly Installed ProductCompetitors Poorly Installed ProductJust this week these photo’s passed across the SAE Group’s General Manager’s desk from an installation performed by one our competitors. While he didn’t see the point in mentioning names he did send an email out to all our Sales Staff:

“Please find attached pictures of a solar rooftop circuit breaker that caught fire yesterday, the installation is from one of our competitors. This was a sub-standard installation where the isolator was not fastened at all and had no extra protection like aluminium covers which are used on all of our installations.

Once you get water ingress into any electrical device or when a poor quality component is used (i.e. the protection device in these photos), you will get a fire. That is why we make sure we are only using high quality components and the correct installation techniques. Obviously some of our competitors are still attempting to cut costs and are putting customer’s homes at risk.

It is also very important that maintenance is done every 12 months on a solar system to prevent the chance of any fires from wiring working loose or water ingress after storms.”

Solar is such a great investment both for the environment and saving you money, but … you get what you pay for. Don’t try and save money with sub-quality installations and products, the risk is just not worth it. If you are not sure whether your Solar System is performing the way it should, or maybe you want to get a general check-up after the Summer storm season and the aftermath of Cyclone Marcia. Contact us today for peace of mind regarding your solar investments’ performance – all year round.

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